Aim of the Interview

  1. To understand the comfort of the user with PAT track application.
  2. To understand the usability challenges with the application.


  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Check with them if this is a good time talk
  3. Explain to the interviewee why you are conducting this interview and what is your final goal
  4. Ask their permission to record the interview
  5. Make them feel comfortable by giving some information about yourself
  6. Clarify the time expectation and convey that it won’t take a lot of time

Warm-up Questions

  1. Can you tell me a little bit about your background?
  2. How comfortable are you adopting and using new technology products?

Main Interview

  1. Do you own a car?
  2. Do you use public transport?
  3. How do you decide when to take a car or when to take a bus?
  4. On a normal day how many times do you take public transport?
  5. When was the last time you took a bus?
  6. Which application do you use to track buses?